Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog post #10

Morgan Bayda's post

In this post there is a video by Dan brown about why he dropped out of school. It explains how higher education has developed from being primarily for the upper class to being obtained by anyone with the funds to acquire access to the education. Now even though the accessability to these Universities and Institutes have changed, the method of teaching has not. Our society in the 21st century has continued to change with the ever growing advancement of technology. If we do not incorporate this technology into our classroom we will be doing exactly what Dan was talking about to our students. We will expect them to know the information we have them read are that we let fall out of our mouths durring lecture. This technique is not learning, it is memorization. Being a math teacher, or planning to become a math teacher, I feel that books and paper are still an important learning tool. Practice is how people learn mathematics. The internet is how we can share our solutions and learn from each other's mistakes. Like Morgan I would not have dropped out of school like Dan did but I strongly believe in communication inside and outside the classroom.

Two questions that can change your life

Two questions that can make you reflect on what is important to you:
What is your sentence?
Was i better than yesterday?

These two questions are the basis for motivation. What motivates us? Everyone has different motivation. My sentence is "He is doing his best to make his wife and kids' future everything they could want." This is my sentence today but can always be revised by the second question every day, Was i better than yesterday?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mr. McClung's reflection

In Mr. McClung's post I realized why I have been against technology in the classroom, selfishness. I have been thinking of myself instead of thinking of what may be best for the students learning experience. Randy Pausch helped change my mind and Mr. McClung's post helped me realize why I thought the way I did. Many teachers do the same things I did and think of their personal learning ways and not the students. Some students may still be paper and pencil students but in today's technological society most people use technology to live everyday life, this doesn't stop when the students get to school. Students use the technology outside of school so why not have them learn subject material using the resources they already understand, whether you understand it or not.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

9b timeline

I enjoy cars and the different body styles of the American muscle car. I wanted to share some simple facts of my favorite car, the camaro.
Richard Miller: This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

In these videos Dr. Miller is discussing the future of writing. He is sharing how different the world will be for students and teachers by using the computer and internet world to do everything paper and pencil used to do. Downloading a book online is way cheaper than trying to buy a hard back from the store. Also, doing a research paper, having to view two different pages, is hard with hard copies. If you use e-books you can have them side by side and bookmark the pages you need instead of flipping all over the place looking for it. This leads me into the writing sense of things.

Using the computer as a writing tool in our future will save us money and time. If you need an assignment sent from one side of the country to the other, instead of writing it on paper and faxing it or scanning and e-mailing it, write it using a software program that is viewed by your teacher, boss, or employer. Dr. Miller said it best when he mentioned we currently don't have teachers to teach these programs. No one knows what the future hold but everyone seems to be contributing to what they feel the future should be.

With the ever growing world of technology, I feel that Dr. Miller is on the right path to creating a new and better way of learning. We need teachers to become students and learn the technology to incorporate with their knowledge in specific areas of study to pass down to future students. The world will change (is changing) the only thing we can do is prepare for it.

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies

The point of both of these videos is to get the work done on time. If you do not understand what is going on get help from your classmates. If you still can not figure it out, try a lab assistant, THAT WILL HELP YOU, rather than the ones that won't.

Why Smartboards Are A Dumb Initiative

Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards

I agree with both of these critiques. Smart boards are good in elementary classrooms because they keep the students focused on the lesson by having interaction between them but for middle school and high school age students, a computer with a touch screen writting pad hooked up to a projector can be used to teach the same lessons. Too much money is being used to equip one classroom with this technology rather than dividing into more classrooms for a less expensive learning tools that do the same thing.

Friday, October 15, 2010

additional assignment 2

How Kids Teach Themselves

1. What do you think? If learners are motivated, can they teach themselves? I think if learners are motivated enough they can teach themselves. If a student is interested in the subject they would be more interested in understanding the subject and, if need be, teach themselves.

2. If those motivated learners are kids, can they teach themselves? kids teach themselves all of the time by playing and learning things on their own so to have a child motivated to learn something they are interested in is the same as everyday life for a child.

3. What conditions are necessary for kids to teach themselves? For anyone to teach him or herself? They need to be interested in the subject that is trying to be learned to be motivated.

4. What role do computers and internet access play in the process? computers and the internet have given people easier access to a wider array of information.

5. What role does motivation, a desire to learn? motivation makes people have a greater need to know the material they desire to learn.

6. What roles do a problem, a question or multiple problems or questions play in the process? problems can cause people to be less motivated to learn. the easier something is to learn the more kids may want to learn.

7. How do you motivate someone to learn? make the information fun so the student would want to learn the material.

8. How are you motivated to learn? I have to be interested in a subject to want to learn it, if not then it is hard for me to motivate myself with the lack of time I have.

9. Can anyone who is not motivated to learn learn? no, without motivation you have no drive to want to learn the information.

10. Do you teach yourself? When? Why? You teach yourself new things all of the time. School information you have to learn and sometimes look further into it, and teach yourself.

11. What role does a teacher (either answer generally or use a specific example) play in your learning? I prefer to have someone with a vast knowledge of the subject matter who can instruct me of what I may be doing wrong rather than making the same mistakes over and over.

12. What is the most important idea, question or emotional response you take away with you as a result of watching this video? kids can teach kids of different cultures and language from thousands of miles away by using the internet. Kids pay more attention to each other rather than adults

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Up until this week I have been against computer technology in the classroom. I felt it would be a distraction rather than a useful tool. My outlook has changed slightly, not quite a 180 degree turn around but pretty close. For the EDM310 class I was instructed to set up certain accounts for the course. I have set up these accounts but have done nothing more on them. this past week I finally had a change of view on the technology so i signed up for classroom 2.0. The main reason I want to find websites and networks with other people of the same professional field is to learn and possibly share what I know. The progress report for my PLN at this moment in time is almost non existant however, I am now completely working toward my Personal Learning network goals.

post #7

.Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

After watching the video by Randy Pausch I realized that you should always live your life one day ata time. You never know what kind of hand life may deal you and you can either fold or play the hand. If you fold what you are delt, it is like giving up before the game has even started. If you play the hand, you could win or loose but you played the game with no regrets.

Mr. Pausch had a great life with many different contributions. He influenced numerous lives with his briliance and his whole hearted attitude. He lived his life as a person with no fear, it seems. He took chances that most people would give up on never letting "brick walls" stop him. If more people lived the way Mr. Pausch did the world would be a better place to live in. As our society grows people are taking more chances and trying new things. I have mentioned in earlier posts that no one knows what the future holds but some people are trying to make a difference. At the beginning of this semester I was totally against the idea of technology taking over classrooms. The reason being, I was not up to date with anything.

The last couple months have helped me see that computer technology is more useful as a learning tool rather than a social network device, in many cases these can coincide. When I watched Mr. Pausch's video I realized that whether you know your future or not is no reason to live life more or less. If we play everything safe and continue to do things like we have in the past we will not have any legacy to leave for our kids when we move on. This video told us of the life of a great man and the way he lived it. From his childhood memories to his last lecture he was all smiles and always had a positive outlook on everything.

The main thing I took from this video was the fact that life is short and fearing the future, or the outcome of the future, is a waste of it. We don't know how the future will turn out or how we will turn out in the future but we can control what we leave for the future. As technology grows the use for technology increases. Our past generations have left us with a building block for the technological future. Now as we build our future, and our children's, we need to teach the future generations. These children are our future. I would never have heard Randy Pausch lecture if it wasn't for the technical tools of today's world and as he said at the end of his lecture, "This talk was not for you, but for my kids." Live life to the fullest, there is no telling what you may be dealt later in life.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

C4T #2 summary

The last couple of weeks I commented on the weblog of Wesley Fryer:

"Digital Grounding and loss of Facebook Privileges" was the first post I commented on. In this post Mr. Fryer is discussing the importance of friending your children or younger relatives on social networks to keep tract of their activities and step in if they stray from what they are supposed to be doing. I will definitely keep tract of my daughters internet activities when she gets old enough to use the computer.

"Self-discipline critical in our tablet and smartphone filled world" was the second post I commented on. In this post Mr. Fryer talks about the "limited use devices" basically being a control device over the students. Because of the device's limited capabilities, it would give the educator more control of what the students were viewing in school. Mr. Fryer is very against the "limited use devices". He goes on to compare banning cell phones from your classroom with issuing student blinders and handcuffs with textbooks. I disagree with Mr. Fryer because students without cell phones are distracted by the ones that text every second of every day. Students need control in the school system but to control the students, have labs that everyone can access rather then letting the students with money have their personal technological devices.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

This video shows the different advantages of using networking to connect with other college students that have learned the same material. It has different networks that have what other students have found out about the information you may be researching. It also asks the question, "What are teachers for?". It answers by telling us that teachers are there to teach the students how to use the computer networks. A computer teacher may be there to teach students how to use networks and other technology, not core curriculum teachers.

What is going to happen when students learn all of these techniques to look up things on the internet and forgets how, or doesn't even learn, how to use books? I am definitely for us having computers in the school systems, but in labs, not personal computers for every student. Having a study period that allows students to go to labs and use the techniques they have learned is fine. Maybe have more than one lab in a school to compensate for the size of the student population.

The school systems today have major financial issues that cause numerous layoffs for the teachers. If the school board cannot afford to pay the teachers, how will they be able to afford the maintenance for all the computers to be in the school district? How will they be picked for the computers to be put in the schools, is it rich to poor?

A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment (or PLN)

The student said it best, "It can be distracting". The freedom that students have online is unlimited. The programs should be limited in the public school systems, and private grade school, to school work. No one should need to be on facebook, or any other social networks, to look up information about school. A student at an University pays to be there and pays for their computer use which should give them the freedom to do what they want with it. I know that all students, like the one who made the video, will not abuse the opportunity but what about the ones that have difficulty concentrating? The school systems are starting to put mentally challenged students in with the general ed students and expecting them to learn the same material. My question to that is, if a student is ADHD or has a lower IQ then the other students, what will happen when, IF, the computers are placed in every one of these classrooms?

The Machine is Changing Us by Michael Wesch

My comments about this video are simple...

I liked the video and how Professor Wesch showed the connectivity to every person on the web by using YouTube. I would be the one that is nervous about talking on the computer because playing it back I know how I sound. This, to me, may give the people watching it a bad outlook of what I have to say due to how slow I talk. I haven't made many videos for YouTube but connecting with other people around the world is a definite advantage of the ever advancing technology. It was a great presentation.

timetoast timeline